在谈及中国时,Rogoff 认为中国拥有万亿美元美债这样的金融武器,如果特朗普鲁莽行事,必遭中国反击,导致美国物价大涨。因此美国无法打赢贸易战。Rogoff 强调特朗普最好的选择是和中国好好谈判,并对中国贸易更加开放。 Rogoff 原文摘要如下,
If the Trump administration tries such crude tactics with China, it will be in for a rude surprise. China has financial weapons, including trillions of dollars of US debt. A disruption of trade with China could lead to massive price increases in the low-cost stores — for example, Walmart and Target — on which many Americans rely.首先笔者不认同中美贸易战中国占尽优势,事实上中美贸易顺差对中国十分重要,中美贸易在经济中的比例也是很不平衡,美方占比远小于中方。因此 Rogoff 认为中美贸易战美方必败,实属鼠目寸光。对这一重要议题笔者有专文讨论,见《盘点中国应对中美贸易战的“大杀器”》 和《中美贸易战谁将胜出?》。
The United States cannot “win” a trade war with China, and any victory will be Pyrrhic. The United States needs to negotiate hard with China to protect its friends in Asia and deal with the rogue state of North Korea. And the best way to get the good deals Trump says he seeks is to pursue a more open trade policy with China, not a destructive trade war.
其次 Rogoff 建议对中国贸易更加开放,实在不知道他活在哪个世界。中美贸易顺差很大程度上得益于各种不公平竞争手段,其中防火墙和传媒监管是最大的贸易屏障,完全封锁了美国高科技行业。这些单向性贸易壁垒不取缔,更加开放贸易只会让美国更受伤。Rogoff 无视中美贸易的实际现状,纸上谈兵乱弹琴,令人惊讶。
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