Business-loan growth has been particularly strong. Over the past five years, so-called commercial and industrial loans measured on a monthly basis have risen at an average rate of 10.6% from a year earlier, according to Fed data. That is well above an average of 8% since 1948.同时,美国企业通过债卷发行融资也是空前的,笔者在《美国企业1-11月债卷发行超过去年同期》指出美国2016年企业债卷发行创历史新高。综上所述,没有证据显示美国大型企业融资能力受到 Dodd Frank 银行监管法案影响。美国个人房贷在08年金融危机后被大幅收紧,借贷人的资质审查变严,这是对危机前个人房贷过度宽松的修正,不是坏事。因此指责 Dodd Frank 银行监管法案有害经济发展缺乏证据。
Total business loans made by banks topped $2 trillion earlier this year and eclipsed their crisis-era peak in 2014, Fed data show. Such loans were equal to more than 12% of real gross domestic product in the third quarter, their highest level in at least 50 years.
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